Saturday, April 08, 2006

Suffering is wanting things to be other than they are.
That's the relative level.
Now, investigate "things", and "suffering", and "levels".
On the ultimate "level", do they even exist?
Does the "relative level" even exist?
Can even the "ultimate level" even be said to exist?
What is the only constant?
Investigate. Investigate who investigates.


Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Just catching up with your posts over the past three days.

Good ones you've posted, Dan. Thought and non-thought-provoking.

My answer to your question: It's all relatively absolute, and absolutely relative.

All I know is my relative experience, including my relative experience of the relative, and my relative experience of what I think is absolute. But in both cases, and really there are not two cases, just one, I can never know beyond what is possible (or what I think is possible) for me to know. There is a point in our journey where we transcend the need to know and we just are.

Watch the watcher, without watching. Catch him if you can. If you do, remind him that he is you and you are him. But also remember that even watching the watcher is a distraction from being.

12:15 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

You're welcome and thanks to you. And you're always already there. Or rather, here. Where else could you be?

8:12 AM  

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