Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Looking around, I find the perception of beings to be truly
They fixate on what is not real as real, so that it certainly
seems real.
They fixate on confusion where there is no confusion, so that
there certainly seems to be confusion.
They reify what is indeterminate, so that it
certainly seems determinate.
They reify what is not so as being so, so that it certainly seems so.
They reify what is untenable as tenable, so that it certainly seems

Ordinary mind is seduced by trivial sense objects in all their
One's useless focus moment by moment extends into a
continuum, as days, months, years, whole lives go by.
Beings are deceived by misconstruing what is not dualistic
as dualistic."


Blogger Dan said...

Is it really the world we live in, or the world we appear to live in?
"With which mind will you drink this tea?"
Verrry good!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Some days are easier than others for me to see beyond my illusions. Know what I mean?

The stress and strain of the dog-eat-dog work world has a way of keeping me tied to my illusions about "how I want the world to be, other than how it really is."

And yes, the work-world is a part of the larger world (whatever that is), and the larger world however we conceive ot it is a part of the original illusion we have about who and how we are.

We create it all for sure, and for the most part we know we create it, but some times that is not enough to break us free.

So, we pause each day, accept that our illusions have a hold on us, remind ourselves to be more present absent our clinging and grasping, and hold onto whatever thread of peace we can find inside.

6:38 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

I know what you mean.




And when we let go of that?

8:40 AM  

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