Wednesday, April 12, 2006

*"The search itself is the trap. You are already what you are seeking. You think there is something to attain or to get. You have never been anything other than that, and never could be. We hear that, but how many of us ever really take a good look at it and stick with it, hang onto it? What do we do? 'That is not good enough!' We will race away and look at somebody else. We will go to somebody else, hear somebody else, read another book or do this or do that, thinking we will get the answer somewhere else. But the only place the answer is, is with you. It is not with anybody else. You are already that. You can't be anything else other than that."
Bob Adamson


Blogger Nathaniel said...

Nice summation. This is a problem I've encountered a lot in a short time with people who self-identify as buddhists (or some derivative thereof). They think enlightenment is something to be sought after or found in something, then end up spending all their time as a Govinda - looking so hard elsewhere they miss what's right in front of them.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Dan said...


9:28 AM  

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