Friday, April 06, 2007

"Gradually I began to realize how feeble and transitory the thoughts and emotions that had troubled me for years actually were, and how fixating on small problems had turned them into big ones. Just by sitting quietly and observing how rapidly, and in many ways illogically, my thoughts and emotions came and went, I began to recognize in a direct way that they weren't nearly as solid or real as they appeared to be. And once I began to let go of my belief in the story they seemed to tell, I began to see the 'author' beyond them--the infinitely vast, infinitely open awareness that is the nature of mind itself."
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche


Blogger qbitty said...

okay there is no way in hell this YosiLwYk has been teh validating w0rd for so many times, so either IT means something or kathyji's blogger is h@ckx0r3d...

so what does IT mean?

12:43 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

It's a secret.

6:56 PM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

:) Yep!

8:32 AM  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Indeed. Thanks Dan.

4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great citation Dan...very helpful as usual!


11:57 AM  
Blogger isaiah said...

Let go- this simple?

You know, when I'm blissed out there is something inside of me that reminds me.... somewhere, right now, someone is dying, is in pain, is battling for life, even battling their thoughts weighing them down. Life sucks for some... a whole hell of a lot... of people.

"What right do I have to be so blissed off?"

I'm learning that this, too, is a thought- a distressing thought... and I need to be aware, act where and when I can as an agent of change, and let go.

This thought of mine is transitory, sometimes overwhelming...I know, I feel "...I am not obligated to complete the work, but neither am I free to abandon it", but... what can I do?

I am taught that this drama unfolding is so powerful that I will get caught up in it many, many times throughout the entire production. I will dance and I will watch the dance unfolding, sometimes aware, sometimes mesmerized in the mystery. The drama is compelling, isn't it?

Perhaps instead of do-ing my sole purpose is in be-ing. Everything is in order, even the distressing thought things are not. I'm learning the infinitely vast, infinitely open awareness is the nature of mind. Tell me, what is solid and what is real?

Nothing, everything. I can't help but be in love with it all.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

Amen, Isaiah!

8:12 AM  

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