Monday, November 13, 2006

"The true nature of the mind is sometimes called Mahamudra and sometimes Dzogchen. Mahasiddhas have explained it in a way that is easier to understand: the nature of mind is the natural or ordinary mind, which is completely uncontrived and always has been. This ordinary mind is very close, always present, and empty by nature, but also has luminosity. So the buddhas, by seeing that natural state of the mind, have realized the true nature. Primordially, the true nature of mind is empty; it has never arisen and it never ceases, and so it is birthless. But it isn't just a material voidness. It has the quality of luminosity, so the mind is the union of luminosity and emptiness. By hearing and contemplating the teachings and through inference and reasoning, we can understand the presence of this true nature of mind. Or, through the practice of meditation, we can understand the true nature of mind."
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche


Blogger Kathleen said...

" the mind is the union of luminosity and emptiness..."

Lovely Danji... this is a very different definition of "mind"... which is not the same as referred to in Advaita circles (which refers to thoughts)... more like the "Heart-Mind"... Beautiful...

Thanks for this... LOVE!

6:10 PM  
Blogger serenity said...

"But it isn't just a material voidness. It has the quality of luminosity, so the mind is the union of luminosity and emptiness."

Yesssssss....I'm halfway if I can convince my mind of the emptiness part!


9:14 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

K: Yeah, more like Heart-Mind. The Buddhists aren't comfortable with terms like Self, but you could read Self in place of mind in this context.

S: Whether you convince yourself or not, it's still who you are. As Karl Renz says, "You cannot not be what you are; so be that!"

9:51 PM  
Blogger serenity said...

Interesting thought that a person cannot not be what they are. I find again the part of me that immediately agrees with that for the ultimate Truth that represents, and the part of me that of course starts to wonder about what "that" True definition really is. It seems so easily lost among the illusions and costumes, that I wonder at times about clearing the clouds and just being That, or maybe how to know what That is (recognition) separated out from that which is so easily believed to be That but truly isn't.

But I do know That is LOVE, so I always return There in That.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

There you go!

10:56 PM  

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