Dependent Origination
Forward Order
Dependent on ignorance, reaction (conditioning) arises;
Dependent on reaction (conditioning), consciousness arises;
Dependent on consciousness, mind-body arise;
Dependent on mind-body, the six senses arise;
Dependent on the six senses, contact arises;
Dependent on contact, sensation arises;
Dependent on sensation craving and aversion arise ;
Dependent on craving and aversion, clinging arises ;
Dependent on clinging, the process of becoming arises ;
Dependent on the process of becoming, birth arises;
Dependent on the base of birth, ageing and death arise,
together with sorrow, lamentation, physical and mental sufferings and tribulations.
Thus arises this entire mass of suffering.
Reverse Order
With the complete eradication and cessation of ignorance, reaction (conditioning) ceases;
with the cessation of reaction (conditioning), consciousness ceases;
with the cessation of consciousness, mind-body cease;
with the cessation of mind-body, the six senses cease;
with the cessation of the six senses, contact ceases;
with the cessation of contact, seansation ceases;
with the cessation of sensation, craving and aversion cease;
with the cessation of craving and aversion, clinging ceases;
with the cessation of clinging, the process of becoming ceases;
with the cessation of the process of becoming, birth ceases;
with the cessation of birth, ageing and death cease, together
with sorrow, lamentation, physical and mental sufferings and tribulations.
Thus this entire mass of suffering ceases.
Wow... that's alot! quite a breakdown...! feels like slow motion... really slow...
(is that another song?)
Wow is right. Interesting flow from one to the other and back. Thanks Dan.
The old Pratityasamutpada. Or, for you Pali scholars, the old Paticcasamupada. Sung to the tune of 'Purple Haze'.
ahh... it all comes together in the end... doesn't it! :)
cxrcid !
Beatles song:
Actually, two Beatles songs, it occurs to me, are contained in your comment, Kathiji. Like this:
And in the end The love you take Is equal to the love You make ...
Come together right now over me.
Very good!
Thanks Dan! This is the classic, repetitive teacher-ly style of Lord Buddha's sermons. In those days, such teachings were learnt by rote by the monks around Buddha. In particular, Ananda, who had a very good memory.There were categories of memory, the highest being - able to recite something after hearing it once.
This morning I was thinking about "The Path of Purification" (Visuddha Magga), by Buddhaghosha. This is one of the most important texts of Buddha's teachings. It struck me that this work - says it all. All that needs to be said, on anything that matters - is elaborated here. Right down to how limbs and muscles and nerves and inner juices work and affect body and mind, in tandem with thoughts, attitudes, feelings, impulses etc. Best, rama
Dan, you asked me whether I had been to Arunachala. Yes, when I was 11. Returning to Madras (where I was on summer vacation), one night I woke up, feeling Ramana Maharishi's loving intimate soothing presence. I sat up in my bed, my sisters were sleeping beside me. For a while I savoured that completely new sensation and experience. Thus did a seed enter my being. Many years later, I read about Ramana Maharishi's life and teaching. He was a great mystic seer of the 20th century. His presence also leaped out of the image in the book of photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson (who photographed him just before he passed away). He lives within me.
Dan...thanks for the favorite song reminders.
Rama...thanks for putting Dan's post into perspective. I can hear the voices.
Rama, yes, the Visudhimagga is an important text. I think maybe the Abhidharma begins here and ends here.
And... thanks for relating your experience of Ramana's grace. The last night that I was at Arunachala, I was on the hill, and all at once, the sky behind the peak was filled with purple and green light. The same colors that appear in my 'nimitta', which, by the way, Buddhaghosa so detailingly describes.
Even more important, though, was the time Ramana whispered in my ear, "The only obstacle to your liberation is the mere thought that you're not already liberated."
Thanks for sharing, Sri Rama-na.
Wow... lovely Rama and Dan... blessings come with sharings of Beloved Sri Ramana... thank you thank you thank you...
I can still feel the lovely cool of the tile floor on my face as I think of bowing in front of Ramana's couch in the "old hall". I loved just to stay there... forehead to floor... merged completely in the devotion of the moment...
Danji... your sharing brought this to mind... "excuse me... while I kiss the sky... "
And the floor.
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