*...at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.T.S.Eliot
TS Eliot no less. Wow. Could have been any one of many nondual teachers you've posted about here at AD.
Saw this in this bio:
"Eliot attended Henri Bergson's lectures at the College de France and was temporarily converted to Bergson's philosophical interest in the progressive evolution of consciousness. A student in what has been called the golden age of Harvard philosophy, he worked amid a group that included Santayana, William James, the visiting Bertrand Russell, and Josiah Royce. Under Royce's direction, Eliot wrote a dissertation on Bergson's neoidealist critic F. H. Bradley and produced a searching philosophical critique of the psychology of consciousness. He also deepened his reading in anthropology and religion, and took almost as many courses in Sanskrit and Hindu thought as he did in philosophy. By 1914, when he left on a traveling fellowship to Europe, he had persuaded a number of Harvard's philosophers to regard him as a potential colleague."
lovely dan....
Everything is, nothing is; anything is not, nothing is not - all at the same point.
And here we are (it would appear) -at the same still point...
Interesting bio facts, Don. Didn't know that, but it makes sense...
I think you fetched up ole TS from your retreat...he flowed out of it. There is more coming...I can tell.
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