Wednesday, December 21, 2005

What do we mean when we talk about emptiness, or voidness?
When the Heart Sutra says "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form," what does that mean?
Does it only mean Samsara is Nirvana, this is that, here is there? It does, but this is still looking at these concepts as if we're talking about opposites. On the conventional level, this may seem to be true. Because of our habitual way of looking through language and concepts--because it's the mind's function to compare--even the absolute, if such there is, becomes the opposite of the conventional or relative.
And so, emptiness becomes, in the mind, the opposite of form. But the Heart Sutra proclaims that these are not different, it seems. And yet, this still implies the idea of difference. And so on and on and on. This is where the mind spins out the world. Even in the midst of a pointer at the truth.
So, what is my point, you may ask? No point, except this: we can spend eternity trying to figure this out with the mind, but the mind cannot understand what is beyond understanding. The Peace beyond understanding.
But this begs the question, how do we even know that peace is possible? For the ego, it's not. But then again, even the ego is peace. Why? Because form is emptiness. Well, you ask, how do we know that emptiness is peace? Find out for yourself.
And consider this: every single thing we apply ourselves to is a search for peace. Isn't it? Misguided, usually, but nonetheless...
Again, where am i going with this? Nowhere. Now-here. Just babbling. But you know what i'm driving at, don't you? And the mind can't figure it out.
So, what does it mean when we say that something is empty, as everything is? It doesn't mean it's nonexistent. It means it's empty of something. It means it's empty, or void, of inherent existence. Nothing exists in and of itself. All things, mental and physical, are interdependent. Relative. And thus, form is emptiness. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Or does it? Look into it.
Look inward, and examine. What do you know for sure? Here's a hint, to save you years of sitting on your cushion. Everyone has the same sense of being, of existence. Go into that. Go back the way you came. To whom do all of these sights and sounds and tastes and smells and sensations and thoughts come? You are That. But don't take my word for it. Find out. Are you That?
Ponder deeply what Jesus meant when he said "Judge not." He was talking about resting in That. And not in opposition to This. Because This is That. Get it?
Good! Now explain it to me, because i don't. i never gets it.
Maybe better to ask " Am I?"
Are You?


Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Well, once again you've sprung the springs on my mental trampoline.

Now, i am really fucked up. i think i shall just hang up my thinking spikes and sit in the corner on my cushion like little Jack Horner. LOL.

i agree with you that we cannot figure it out with our minds. Although, i can't stop trying. i just try less. Moreover, the most meaningful focus is, as you say, our sense of being. i am That.

Allow me to relate a bit.

Existentialists believe that existence precedes essence. They also believe that human beings must be understood from the inside (their experienced reality) and not from the outside (biology, etc.).

How would you characterize the alignment of Buddhist concepts and those of the Existentialist philosophers?

Finally, in looking at the three schools of Existentialism (Sarte, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger), which aligns best with Buddhism?

Your humble student,


1:43 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

The existentialists are good at diagnosing the problem, not so good at the solution. That is, they all seem to get the 1st Noble Truth, some the 2nd, a few the 3rd. The 4th? Nobody in that school gets it like the Buddha.
In ascending order, just the order you've listed them: S,K,H, with N thrown in maybe between S and K. Of course, they overlap and such here and there...

9:40 AM  
Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Brother Dan. Helpful to gain your perspective of these matters.

You are doing very well with AD. Congratulations on your launch. Maybe time to let your friends know about AD, in case you haven't.

9:47 AM  

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